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The Soul Of Love..

"A wedding ring is sort of a tourniquet worn on
one's finger to stop circulation".

What is the indication of a weeding ring actually ?
Since ancient times, marriages have been symbolized by the wearing of a wedding ring.

However,a ring is a circle (you've probably noticed that) and a circle has very strong magical connotations. The unbroken circle is an age-old symbol of eternity. Yet the circle is endless and timeless suggesting a repetitive unbroken wholeness in time and space.

In this realistic world, giving a ring to his or her lover doesnt mean that everlasting love but Once ringed, she or he was no longer available to circulate amongst other men or women...

So, as their behalf must feel they are lucky to own his or her own life which there is sumone who loves and cares on each other....

In another hand, I do hope a ring comes v a necklace especially platinum (White Gold)...If there is sumone who does on me, I think I will die for her or him. ^^

Anyway, I think I have no such fate to get it...
Everything jux a dreamz, dreamz alwaz wont come true.
And wat I believe is BIY ---> Buy It Yourself

Am i rite ?

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